Unapologetically Unique

Our lace wig removal products help you extend the life of your wig. Removing tape or glue from your lace wig can be difficult and messy if you don’t know how to do it; we offer lace wig removal products to make the process quick and easy.  Lace Wig removal products are just what you need to get the job done correctly.  We offer high-quality lace wig removal products to make the process quick, easy, and safe. Whether you’re dealing with stubborn adhesive or looking for a gentle solution that protects your lace, our products are tailored for effective and precise removal. With the right tools, you can maintain your wig’s quality and ensure it looks flawless every time you wear it. Lace wig removal products are exactly what you need to keep your wigs in good condition and get the job done right.

Walker Signature Adhesive Remover (4oz)


Walker Signature Adhesive Remover (4oz)

Our Signature Remover is a medical-grade, organic, citrus-based solvent. The winning combination of medical-grade and organic makes this solvent unique and gentle.
It is the fastest sensitive-skin solvent we have ever created. It’s more skin-friendly than C-22. It also has a gentle and pleasant citrus scent.